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Translation vs. Interpreting
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HM Queen Elizabeth II dies
Translation vs Interpreting
Translation vs. Interpreting

Boost exports sales: the secret to getting your business into new markets

Want to boost exports sales? Getting your business into new markets is the key. But how do you go about it? There are several things you need to do to successfully enter a new market.

First, you need to make sure that your products and services are relevant to the new market you’re targeting. This means understanding the needs and demands of your potential new customers. Second, you need to make sure that you’re complying with all the regulations of the new market and set up a compatible system for payment and shipping. Lastly, you need to ensure that your website and marketing materials are properly translated into the language of that new market. 

That may sound like a lot, but don’t worry – we’re here to help.

As members of the Association of Translation Companies (ATC), one of the best perks is having access to ground-breaking research in the field of language and business. In a recent collaborative effort with Aston University Business School, it was concluded that SMEs making use of language capabilities are 30% more successful in exporting than those who do not. 

The research surveyed 415 UK-based SMEs, assessing in-house language capacity, capacity for developing language-related capabilities and the use of external language services. The focus was on how language capability impacts exports orientation, sales profit, and sales growth. The results were quite persuasive: SMEs that invest in language capabilities, translation, and interpretation are 30% more successful in exporting than those that do not. 30 per-cent! It alone is a significant figure. The report also highlights that an understanding of multiple languages makes it easier to turn obstacles into opportunities and that language skills are particularly important in cross-border negotiations to create new partnerships.

"Why should I spend money on translating the description of my product if everyone in Sweden speaks English?”, I once heard one business owner say. The answer is simple. They will NOT buy your product unless the product description and marketing messages are in Swedish. Research has shown that people are more likely to buy products or services if they can read the instructions in their native language.

Do you dream of expanding your business into new markets? If so, then you’ll want to make sure that your brand message is communicated clearly and effectively by all parties involved. Translation can help you achieve your goal by bridging the language barrier between cultures and countries. This is especially important if you have a product or service that requires specialised knowledge to use. In these cases, customers need to be able to read instructions in their native language before they can use your product effectively.

Lastly, when opening new exports markets and dealing with foreign clients, suppliers, and collaborators, your business will do far better if you have some language skills to hand, be this in talking to your prospective new clients, dealing with correspondence, or translating your e-commerce platform to sell to a new market.

Reaching out to new clients in new markets is the key to exports success. Investing in language capabilities is a powerful tool to maximise your impact and generate exports ROI.

My Language Hub is here to guide you on your exports journey and support you with the language provision you need to make it a success. Contact us to discuss the value that language capabilities and translation can add to your exports activities and to recommend the fastest way forward for you.

We have supported dozens of companies with cross-cultural communication, and we can help yours, too.

If you would like any advice or help with international marketing, get in touch.

LO-C 30 for SMEs brochure  

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